
Random Thoughts on the Way to Australia

I am spending the day in California on my way to Australia. Going to Santa Barbara to see my brother and visit some friends. Every time I come out here I can’t believe how it has changed. This a beautiful time of year to be in California, warm, dry and clear.

French Elections – I know this is not a political blog, but they got over 80% of the electorate to turn out for yesterdays election. WE struggle to get 40% and wonder why we have problems. Voting is the cornerstone of the democratic process!!!

Good Mantra from Joe P – Go to the link that is out of sync. Simple, yes, but very true. Thanks Joe I am going to use. I need to translate it into Australian mate.

Service- How many businesses forget this? Went to Best Buy yesterday to by a power adaptor for the flight. The young man in the computer department was nothing short of awesome. He was one of the geek squad. This is the way service should be.


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