
Thought Provoking

This was on Seth Godin’s blog http://sethgodin.typepad.com/

January 10. It reminded of many conversations I have had over the past few weeks about the fields of coaching, physical therapy and athletic training.


and the other

Getting an MBA

Keeping your promises

Being board certified

Looking patients in the eye



Buying an expensive front loader

Giving renovation clients an honest estimate

Having a fancy building

Hiring a nice receptionist

Putting a new logo on the planes

Cleaning the peanut butter off the seat tray

Spending $100 million on special effects

Leaving the ads off the non-skippable coming attractions on the DVD

Having a new POS computer

Waiving the late fee because of a snowstorm

Offering the lowest rate for a cell phone

Not tricking customers with a bait and switch

Hiring expensive executives

Firing the ones that don't grow and change

Moving the call center overseas

Answering the phone after one ring

Using a state-of-the-art chipset

Designing the device so it is easy to use

Hiring a brilliant tax lawyer

Doing your books in a way that's transparent to employees and investors

Making a lot of money

Donating a lot of money (quietly)

Putting on a conference

Taking a risk and making the conference interesting

Making the world's best chocolate

Charging way more than the competition

Having a custom Wordpress blog with bells and whistles

Writing stuff people want to read

Having contrary opinions

Expressing them with kindness, respect and attribution

Making it to the top of the heap

Listening to the people on their way up

Sucking up to the boss

Respecting the doorman

Designing a six page spreadsheet for strategic analysis

Having the guts to cancel the product or shut the division

Having a great idea

Sticking your neck out


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