
Coaching Talent Search

I am starting a coaching talent search. It has been disappointing to witness a trend in placement of Athletic Development coaches who lack the proper coaching skills and possess scant expertise. Since I quite often receive requests asking for recommendations for jobs, I have decided to address this by starting a clearinghouse for those Athletic Development professionals who fit the profile outlined below. This is not a placement service, and there will be no fee for this. My goal here is to help define the profession and help good qualified people attain placement in positions where they can use their knowledge and advance the profession. Do not send anything if you do not meet the profile. Please do not call me. If there is a job opportunity I will have the prospective employer contact you. I am looking for remarkable people who will make an impact in this field.

Athletic Development Coach Profile

Statement of Philosophy of Training and Coaching (Two Paragraphs Maximum)

Specific Short Term and Long Term Goals

Education and relevant course work

All Coaching Experience – In any sport at any level

Specifically whom did you coach

What were your responsibilities?

Teaching Experience – Formal and informal

Areas of Coaching Expertise – Be Specific

What are your Strengths? What makes you special and stand out from your peers?

What are your Weaknesses? Where do you need to improve? How do you plan to address your weaknesses?

Appearance – Do you look the part? Are you fit and do you present yourself well?

Skill Proficiency – Do you have the ability to demonstrate what you are teaching?

Work Ethic – Are you willing to go the extra mile and work until the job is done?

Certifications & Accreditations – List all in any field

List three books on Training or Athletic Enhancement that you have read in the past three months

List three refered journal articles that you have read in the last three months

What are you doing on a regular basis to improve your knowledge and ability as a coach?

Send to www.gambettasports@hotmail.com


At 1/18/07, 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you trying to define the field by eliminating the majority of it? Looks to me a great start of a job interview.

At 1/18/07, 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I take it as a challenge to live up to this standard. The unfortunate truth is the first comment is correct. The vast majority of coaches would be ruled out. But I don't think, people doing the hiring are always first and foremost looking for master coaches. First they are limited by what they can pay. Often there are other institutional limitations that make them settle for a person who is a "good fit." Since there is no clear standard of what good coaching looks like, bad coaching spreads. Hey, we have few good examples on TV. Thanks for challenging us Vern.


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