
RemedialShoulder Exercises

Joe Cygan ATC wrote me to ask:I was reading your available downloadable pitching training program and noticed that you included "remedial" shoulder exercises such as lateral raises, shrugs, prone extensions, etc. I was wondering how this fits into your model of functional training.

First of all everything is functional, just how functional relative to the activity is the key. Remedial shoulder exercises are just that, remedial. I use them and place them in the program usually after throwing to stimulate blood flow to aid recovery. Beyond that they do not have much value. I certainly do not give them the attention most people do.


At 8/13/06, 7:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to wonder with all the hype Carson Palmer is getting with his rehab that includes knee extensions/curls should they be considered a remedial exercise as well with the purpose increase circulation (but with much less weight than most use). Recently there was a large picture in a Cincinnati paper of a Xavier University basketball player that broke his ankle this past season and the article was about how hard he was working out to get in shape to play in Europe this winter. THe exercise he was doing to rehab that fractured ankle - prone leg curls!


At 8/15/06, 7:37 AM, Blogger TrainJoe said...

Thanks for the response. It was exactly what I expected!



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