Track & Field Omnibook
Track & Field Omnibook by Ken Doherty, Fourth Edition published in 1985 is a great coaching resource. I had not looked at in a long time, but I was doing some research on Ken Doherty’s concept of power indexing so I decided to look at again. What a great resource. Doherty was the longtime coach at University of Pennsylvania and also director of the Penn relays. In many ways he was a philosopher coach and very scientific in his approach. I never had the opportunity to meet him personally, although we did
correspond. I actually helped him get some resources for this edition of the Omnibook. He thought the third edition would be his last because he was rapidly losing his eyesight, but he was able to get an operation that essentially restored his sight so he decided to do a fourth edition. Get it if you can find it. Much of the information is as contemporary and valid as when it was written 23 years ago. The Omnibook actually grew out a classic text that he originally wrote in the 1950’s called Modern Track and Field. That was the text we used in our Theory of Track & Filed class at Fresno State in 1968
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