
Odd Exercises

I really do not know exactly what Eric Carr meant by “odd exercises.” I assume he meant exercises like standing on a Swiss ball. Does it really matter why he calls something an odd exercise? What if I said that all exercises are odd until they are put into a specific context? I do not really believe that, but that could serve as a provocative discussion point.


At 10/30/06, 4:33 PM, Blogger Joe Przytula said...

Here's a good example. I have a football lineman that was deliberately kicked on his left lower leg in our last game. Our head coach wanted to put the team through a good sprint workout today. I petitioned him to let me put him through a good deep water sprint workout instead. An odd, and gravity confused environment, but in this case it made sense. I could get a good anaerobic effect by taking advantage of the viscosity of the water, and get a measurable decrease in edema from the hydrostatic pressure of the deep water. The alternative would have been a stationary bike, which was less movement specific and placed that lower leg in a losing battle against gravity.


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