
This is Absurd!!!

I just someone is advertising a CD that you can purchase that tells you how to make money doing speed camps. What have we come to? This is total bullshitake!!! Whatever happened to coaching and teaching? Folks, there is more to it than making money. I had a phone conversation with a former athlete who is dying of leukemia. He or I never made a dime with his training, but on his deathbed he wanted to talk to me and thank me for the time I helped him. That is a reality check. Let cut out this BS. If you can’t coach get out of it. The essence of it is to help people get better. Have I made money, sure I have (not as much as some people think), but there has never been my driving goal. My goal is to be the best I can be. If you bought one of those CD’s send it back and ask for your money back. Use the money to go out and buy a book to improve your coaching. ( By the way this is the same guy who once conned me into writing a long peice on sprint training and then charged $90.00 for it without teling me)


At 5/11/06, 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were way way way far ahead of your time in baseball conditioning. I am glad to have met you and worked under you.


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