
Origin of the term Core

The core is a relatively new term in the lexicon of training. I know I started using the term in 1987 after reading “Total Body Training” by Bob Gajda and Dr. Robert Dominguez, M.D. I began using it because it made sense. This is certainly a term that has taken on a life of its own. It is often used synonymously with the abdominals which is not completely accurate. I cannot find anything in research to substantiate the use of the term that predates 1998. Aside from Gajda and Dominguez, where did it come from? According to Gajda and Dominguez, “the first essential concept in total body training is that of the ‘core’ which is our term for the muscles of the center of the body. These muscles stabilize the body while we are in an erect, anti-gravity position or are using our arms and legs to throw or kick. They maintain our structure while we do vigorous exercises such as running, jumping, shoveling snow, and lifting weights overhead. They are the muscles that control the head, neck, ribs, spine, and pelvis.” (Gajda and Dominguez, page 7) This is a workable definition, but sometimes it makes me think ,what isn’t the core?
As best I can tell the term did not originate in the lab with scientific research; it emerged out of practice and experience. The martial arts have certainly understood the importance and function of the core for thousands of years. In martial arts it is called the “chi” or “ki,” the center of energy. In scientific terms it is the location of the center of gravity. We know that control of the center of gravity is essential for efficient movement. IF ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY THOUGHTS OR IDEAS ON WHERE THE TERM ORIGINATED, OR ID YOU HAVE ANY SCIENTIFIC REFERENCE THAT PRE DATE 1998, I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU.


At 11/14/05, 9:41 AM, Blogger David Field, Gulf Coast Cycle Fit said...

I agree with you from the perspective that the term didn't originate in a lab. However, being a physical therapist, it's something that we have been aware of for years. For us, it has it's origin in the developmental progression of children. Before a child can functionally use an extremity, there must be core stability of the trunk and shoulder girdle. Walking requires stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Then there's trunk stability with differentiation of movements between the pelvic and shoulder girdles. If a child or athlete has deficits in these areas, they will be poor performers. It's the tail wagging the dog phenomenon.

In the clinic, we always assess and treat core stability before progressing to the functional activity that must be rehabilitated.

Thanks Vern, your stuff is great.

At 11/14/05, 9:48 AM, Blogger David Field, Gulf Coast Cycle Fit said...

References: Google these topics. "Early Childhood Development", "Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation", "PNF" and "Neurodevelopmental training", "developmental progression"


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