
Coaching Model

I think many people are confusing personal training with coaching. The coaching model is clearly directed toward achievement of improved athletic perfromance. In coaching there is a long term plan and a commitment to execute the perfromance objectives inherent in the plan. Coaching implies a long term commitment to the athlete or the team. It also demands accountability more than showing up for the workout. This accountability is a must for the coach and the athlete.

Personal training is not coaching. Much of the time it is oriented toward appearence and improvement of general conditioning. There is not a long term commitment or a need for or an understanding of the big picture. You coach people to get better. Anyone can train, but does the training have a specific perfromance goal and a pupose. Is it a means to an end or is it an end in itself?There must be a clear relationship leading toward specific perfromance objectives.

Why does it matter? Because coaching is special. It demands a broad skill set and a wide expereince base in order to achieve the desired perfromance objectives.


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