
Training Program in Outside Magazine

I know the program is not as detailed as I would have liked. Both Paul Scott, the writer and I would have liked to have see have more detail. Unfortunately in a magazine there are always space constraints. I am going to try to answer a few questions that I have received here and will give more details over the next several weeks. One question I received was: Is this workout routine appropriate for women. Yes it is, without question. For women I might increase the weight training slightly, but overall it is appropriate for both men and women. Another question was: is it appropriate for someone 54 years old? Yes, with qualifications. You need to have a bit of a fitness background before you start. If you have not been very active cut everything in half and work up to the full program. In essence that would make the six week program a twelve week program.

Here are some thoughts and considerations:

What are your goals both short term and long term?

What is your lifestyle – sedentary or active?

What are your personal habits? Do you drink and overeat? Start by establishing a routine. Find a time that you can train every day. Commit to it and do not let anything interfere. As far as the actual program – personalize it. Make it practical for you – you do not need much, some dumbbells, a medicine ball, and stretch cord, not much else. Plan it. Do not beat yourself up. Remember it is a series of workouts that will make you better, not one. It is not about the burn. Do not depend on machines or a trainer. If the motivation is not intrinsic chances are it will not be long lasting. Think like an athlete – win the workout. Find a training partner who shares you goals. Push and encourage each other. Be committed, not obsessed.


At 5/14/06, 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed the Outside article and I am very interested in the functional excercises you (and the author) describe. I know it's tough in a magazine to show how to properly do all the excercises, but I was monster walking around my apartment this afternoon with an old bicycle tube around my legs before I went on my usual mountain bike ride!

Any thoughts about publishing a book with more information? I'm sure you have a wealth of knowledge on this.

At 5/15/06, 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


My husband and I begin the Outside magizine 6 wks to ultimate fitness tomorrow morning. We bought our medicine balls (6 lb for me - 12 for him- is that too heavy?) My goal is to be consistent with your plan in the mornings and do our normal exercise things in the evening. Thanks for sharing your plan. We will keep you posted on the results - I may have influenced my daughters and their boyfriends to join in.

At 5/18/06, 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very interested in the Outside article and have committed to the six week program as a means of getting back in shape as my recent workout routine has been sporatic at best.
As others have mentioned, I am looking for more direction on how to perform many of the movements described in the article. Is there someplace I can look for more diagrams or descriptions?


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