
The Power of the Question

The best place to start a training or a rehab program is with a question. It can be simple or complex, but remember the question is meant to provide guidance and direction. An example of a broad question is: why are women so much more susceptible to ACL injuries than men? Then reframe the question to get different perspectives. Why don’t men injure their ACL’s as often as women? Put aside any bias, change perspective and ask yourself if you are missing something. Ask some else the question and be sure to listen to their answer, especially if it is different than yours. Remember there are no dumb questions. In reality there may no be no one answer or any answer for that matter, but the simple act of asking the question(s) will give direction and purpose. Personally some of the training programs that have had the highest bozsity factor that I have designed were those were I though I knew the answer or I failed to ask the question. Just like there are no dumb questions, there are no dumb answers. Frankly that is why the question should be posed to a variety of people. I know when I am designing a training a program I always seek input from someone who is a rehab specialist. It grounds me and makes me consideration another dimension.


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