
More Bozosity

Joes post in reply to yesterday blog got me thinking. What do you need to start a Bozo center? First call it a Human Performance Center; after all you can’t call it a three ring circus or a zoo. That would be too strong a clue to what really happens there. Make sure you have a bunch of physioballs (be sure you have well padded floors so people don’t get hurt when they fall off) and wall to ceiling mirrors. Fill it with “functional machines” that someone paid you to use and there you have it – a BOZO CENTER.

This will be the last post on Bozosity for awhile, but I will be on the bozo watch. If any of you out have good examples of Bozosity or bozo centers be sure to send them to me at gambettasport@hotmail.com I am thinking of starting an honor roll of bozosity


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