Style or Substance
Just because you have a publicity machine behind you promoting your every move does not mean there is substance to the training. I am amazed at the naivete’ of the athletes and coaches who continue to follow the hype. One particular person and facility has become the “place” to be for high profile athletes to train. There is only one problem the athletes who go there do not get better, more often than not they get hurt! The poster boy for this facility has only played more than 62 games twice in the last five years. What are people thinking about. I live in a world where the proof is in the pudding. If I do not produce then I do not get paid. Fancy facilities and equipment do not make a program with substance. A program with substance takes time; it is not about quick fix off-season programs. It is about long-term commitment to training in a progressive and sequential manner. What looks good during a 15 second TV spot on ESPN is not necessarily good training.
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