
Athletic Development - Defining the Field

I noticed the other day that that I had posted my 700th blog. That blew me a way. I had no idea that that I had written that many posts. It seems like just yesterday that I posted the first blog. This all started as a daily warm-up exercise to get me into the routine and rhythm of writing everyday in order to finish the Athletic Development book. Frankly I never thought that after the book was done that I would continue at the same pace. I must say this has grown on me. I look forward to sharing my ideas and getting feedback. For me going forward my mission with the blog and everything I do is to define the field of Athletic Development. We are at an interesting time and place with what is happening with coaches, trainers, physical therapists and doctors. We need direction. I hope that through the experience that I can bring to the table along with colleagues who feel the same way that we can have a defined field that everyone recognizes and is proud to be part of. I am writing this at 35,000 feet somewhere over the middle of the United States on my way to Pomona California, ah sweet home California where the functional path started for me.


At 3/26/07, 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure if it is as important to define the field of Athletic Development as it is to see that it is taking place for the youngsters and continued to the high school/college level. It seems in my area that the training/game ratio is in complete reverse as to what it should be. Too many others do not participate in anything at all. While it can be aggravating seeing the skateboards zoom down the sidewalk I wonder if many of today's single sport wanna be stars are adaptable enough to even stand on one. If it takes defining the field to get things done though, lets get it defined!



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