Simplicity - KISS (Keep It Simple Smart)
Simplicity yields complexity. True genius lies in the ability to make the complex simple. Human movement, by it’s very nature is a complex interaction of many systems. Our job as coaches and therapists is not to try to make it more complicated, anyone can do that. Look for connections and relationships; do not get hung upon minutiae. All systems of the body work together all the time. You cannot just train the muscular system or the nervous system, or any other system in the body for that matter, they all work together to produce smooth efficient movement. Train and rehab the connections by using methods that promote linkage. Think of linking the ankle, knee and hip, the hip to the shoulder. This is the most effective means of staying on the “Functional Path” and being efficient. Training linkage transfers to efficient movement, efficient movement transfers to improved performance. Hoe can you do this? Use movements that are multiple plane and multiple joint and work through the core. Think movements not muscles. Push, pull, reach, grab, extend, bend, and then combine these into bigger patterns that encourage muscle synergies. Keep it simple to be smart. Give the body credit for it’s innate motor genius and put it in positions to use that genius. Make it simple; make it FUNdamental and the complexity will follow.
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