

Please send me some questions or ideas on things you would like me to talk about. I want to know what you want to know. If I don’t know it I will find someone who does.



At 3/31/06, 8:43 AM, Blogger Joe Przytula said...

Leon Chaitow D.O., makes the following quote: "You might think that the first priority in postural correction, or the regaining of fitness, should be the strengthening and toning of weak muscles but this is not necessarily correct. The fact is that by freeing and loosening tight muscles, you will achieve increased strength in the weak muscles automatically. So the evidence is that to begin a program aimed at improving function with the toning up of the weak muscles is a mistake".

This philosophy has it's origin in the Janda protocol, which has been adapted by Mike Clark and the NASM.

It's extremely popular with personal trainers, P.T.'s, and chiropractors. I can't tell you how many times one of my athletes is not getting better because, "Your A.T. is not stretching you enough". Stretch, stretch, myofascial release, more stretch, more myofascial release. Everyone has "tight hamstrings and psoas, pronator distortion syndrome", even though often it can't be goniometrically validated. Stretch until all muscle reactivity to the ground has been shut down and you can paint them green and call them Gumby.

One question: Has this Janda stuff ever been put through the scientific method???

At 3/31/06, 5:36 PM, Blogger Joe Przytula said...

Thanks for the compliment, but the truth is I'm just older & had more time to steal from Vern.

Last year I put together a presentation called, "Clearing the Kinetic Chain in the Throwing Shoulder" for our annual sportsmedicine symposium. Basically took Vern's ideas and backed them up with a little scientific validation. Without getting into a complex issue, heed his advice: "The pitcher's hips & legs should be as strong & flexible as a hurdlers'".

At 3/31/06, 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Vern,
my question is:Funnctional path philosophy for professional soccer team?
My problems are:
1-Short preparation period (4-8wks)
2-Need for fast results.
3-Since I learn about your work from internet I am not shure about sequencing of components during prep. period.
Best wishes,
Misha Filipovic
P.S. Sorry for short letter,my English is bad.


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