
Anoarexia Nervosa

A friend of mine just sent me an article from his local paper. A former star runner, s a state champion in the 3200 meters died of Anorexia Nervosa. In the article it referred to anorexia as an eating disorder, unfortunately that just keeps perpetuating the myth. It is not an eating disorder; the eating or not eating is just a symptom of deeper psychological issues. It is an insidious disease. I have seen it too many times myself first hand as a coach. Everyone that works with young women should be educated as to the signs and symptoms. Too often coaches overlook because it is often their best runner and she is lean and fast until she goes over the edge and then it is too late. No matter how skinny they are they see themselves as fat. Unfortunately when they start the behavior of not eating or purging through laxatives or self induced vomiting they are rewarded, their times improve, sometimes dramatically. This reinforces an ever downward spiral until they reach the point where they cannot perform. Then it is a crisis and sometimes too late to do anything. As coaches we are not prepared to deal with this. If you have someone you are working that has signs or symptoms seek professional help for the person now!


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