
Work or Training

It is easy to do work, it is much harder to train. At first glace that may seem like a stupid statement. Aren’t they synonymous? No they are not. This is a trap that I see many people fall into, it is the activity trap. The attitude is that if I am doing something instead of nothing that I am improving my physical capacities. To differentiate between work and training is important. To improve any of the physical qualities demands focused and directed training. Training is work with a purpose, a specific goal in mind. In training there should a logical order and progression of exercises and drills. This order and progression should be apparent both intra workout and inter workout. When I watch workout of other coaches I am looking for connections and relationships throughout the training. This requires detailed planning, careful preparation for the training session and a above it demands that the coach be fully engaged in the workout. The coach has to make the connections so that the athlete can relate to them and internalize them.


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