
My Comments on Interesting

This is so typical of what we see happening today. We have created artificial divisions and classifications that ultimately hurt or confuse the athlete. Doing remedial work like balance and proprioception drills certainly have a place for the 400 meter runner, or for that matter any athlete, but if that is all that is done for strength training then the program is remiss. Conversely just lifting heavy will not get the job done either. A good balanced program managed by one coach is the path to excellence. The message that I get from this is that the performance team lacked good direction or the direction was communicated to all involved. What I am seeing today in coaching is precisely what it occurring in medicine, there are now a myriad of specialists who never speak to each other or to the coach. Each specialist is guarded in their area and seeks to develop that area to the exclusion of others. There must be a generalist who coordinates and communicates who knows the big picture and never loses sight of it. Following the functional path demands a roadmap, a compass and the ability to read the road signs along the way. My fear is that athlete is now going the wrong way down another one way street. We shall see, I will be following his progress with interest.


At 6/19/07, 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was the name of the Australian hurdler in early 1990's who was third in the world? The lab coat exercise scientists worked, stretched and improved on his static flexibility...and dropped off the face of the track and field?

At 6/19/07, 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'd LOVE to see studies done on this topic without prejudice. The one shady area where every guru has an opinion is muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions; however, very few people have designed a comprehensive method to remedy them in the most effective manner. Perhaps these types of studies would reveal that less is more or in other words the NASM method of breaking up the kinetic chain is redundant and “simply” having a coach ensure you move with correct form is the key to allowing the neuromuscular system to work out its own kinks. It’s pretty simple, if you progressively move with correct form the muscle imbalance 1) isn’t causing a problem with dynamic movement, 2) will gradually work itself out, or 3) cause an injury, because the right muscle can’t activate at the right time. Point being this is the type of rationale that underpins the when, why, and where of using balance/proprioception training and it’s simply glossed over….

P.S. Regarding muscle testing and “weak” links it drives me nuts that a muscle can be considering under-active based on only one of the motions in creates; for example, it’s often sited that tibilias anterior (tib A) is weak in a person with a pronated foot. The technical definition of pronation is adduction/eversion/dorsiflexion; so, why is it assumed the tib A is underactive/weak when many textbooks list its MAIN function is dorsiflexion. Maybe it’s like the psoas and can be concentrically contracted and still underactive, but I’ve yet to see this postulated in research. It just seems to me that these types of questions need to be answered, because they provide a great foundation for how to proceed in rehab or sports performance training….

I’d really like to hear you thoughts on the topic….

Todd Langer


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