
What If?

Yesterday when I was swimming laps I started think about what if? There are many things we all see day to day in out field that probably make us think about what if? So I just fanaticized for a few laps and this is what I came up with?

  • What if there was no artificial turf? Would there be fewer injuries?
  • What if football didn’t use the 40 as a measure and used just the ten instead? How different would the draft have looked?
  • What if we had required Physical Education K -12 again, would we be better off than we are now or would it be back to roll out the ball?
  • What if we eliminated summer leagues in all sports below the age of 16?
  • What if doctors had to take courses in exercise and health?
  • What if there were no MRI’s? Would we have as many sports injuries?
  • What if football coaching staffs in college were limited to six coaches and a recruiter and scholarships were reduced to 65? Would schools still have to eliminate sports?
  • What if you were Chairman of the Presidents Council of Physical Fitness? What would you do?

These are just a few of my thoughts before I started to drown.


At 5/3/06, 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting "what if's"....and of all of them, i liked the "eliminate summer leagues". not because i don't want kids to have fun...but maybe BECAUSE i want kids to have fun...imgine if we returned summers to the way they were a long time ago...unorganized play, more creativity, less pressure...

I would put money (which i dont have agreat supply of!) down to bet that we would have fewer overuse injuries and more athletic individuals!


At 5/3/06, 9:43 PM, Blogger Paul said...

What if basketball coaches actually ran an open gym in the summer where only a pick-up game occured?

What if the NFHS banned in-season athletes from participating in any type of club sport?

What if health insurance companies would hold parents finacially responsible for their kid's overuse injuries because they are involved in 2 sports at a time, practicing 7 days a week.

What if the FDA started to regulate the sport supplement industry and only allowed supplements with legit research to back up their claims to be sold?


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